Turnbull China Bikeride
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Text File
66 lines
!Twin version 1.00, 07 May 1990 © 1990 Joe Abley
!Twin launches the Twin programmers editor from the desktop. The advantages
to using twin in preference to !Edit in this manner are that:
(a) Twin is faster,
(b) Twin only takes up 38k, and !Twin 16k,
(c) Twin is much nicer anyway!
When Twin is run from within !Twin (confusing, isn't it?), all that happens
is that the Wimp is sent a Wimp_StartTask call with "Twin" (sometimes
with some parameters), and hence there needs to be a copy of Twin in a
convenient library somewhere (e.g. net:$.ArthurLib.Twin or
adfs::4.$.Library.Twin). Alternatively, if you have converted your copy of
twin to TwinInAModule, simply place this module in the !Twin application
directory and remove the comment from the relavent line in the !Run file.
Technical details over, this is how you use it:
1. On running, !Twin will set alias$@RunType_FFF to Twin %*0, i.e. it makes
the run action of text files to load twin and edit them. Hence if you don't
want to drag things around, you can quit the !Twin desktop bit (and save
16k); merely double-click on text icons to twin them.
2. When run, !Twin will install itself on the icon bar, as a strange black
square thing. I can't do proper meaningful icons, hence the surreal medieval
death symbol. You can:
(a) drag things onto the icon from a filer window
(b) drag things onto the icon from another application
(c) examine the groovey menu and the info window
(d) click adjust or select on the icon to start twin without
a file name (i.e. equivilent of *twin without parameters)
3. Important bit!
To quit from twin, do return language (shift-f4) followed by loads of
returns, as per normal. If you press f1 followed by *quit, it won't. Quit, I
4. To save the file you are editing, it is probably best to press f3
followed by Copy (to give you the previous filename). This avoids having to
mess about sticking full pathnames at the top of all your files.
Contact me at:
224 Castle Road,
MK40 3UA.
"/G=Joe/S=Abley/O=Bedford School"@gb.gold-400.interspan